CCC offer professional Pre -IPO and group restructuring services to clients in a wide range of industries and jurisdictions. By lending our advice and expertise, we focused on safely guiding management team and stakeholders through the dynamics of operating and advancing your business to maximize value for our clients and ensure that their strategic goals are met on the best possible terms.

CCC can provide trademark and IP registration services in Hong Kong, China and around the world.  Intellectual property (IP) protection includes copyright, trade marks and patents. Any business that wishes to establish a national or international identity should take steps to protect the use of its name, logo or other IP. This is preferably done at the beginning, when it is simpler, more efficient and more effective.

It is common for the multinational corporations to mobilise their talents worldwide. CCC can help you relocate your people and their expertise anywhere around the world efficiently and professionally.  Although transferring employees abroad for short or long-term assignments or on a permanent is not an easy task, CCC can offer you a comprehensive and tailored services.

CCC helps investors to analyze new markets and understand market conditions and opportunities in China and UK, advising you on the most viable form of entry into the market.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s stLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


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